Friday, July 17, 2009

the road

The Road

The road going into a town I don’t know the name of
is only used by people too poor to drive cars and by
those who can afford cars but hate them.

Part of the road was going back to roman time it even
has steps on its verge where the road is steep, and
there are wayside cafes at regular intervals.

Animals to use this road too, mules made homeless,
turkeys that had escaped thanksgiving, ducks and
an emu that used to be a part of a variety act

The animals keep the road verge trimmed when not
begging for stale bread and cake crumbs which are
freely given, it is begging children we dislike.

Yet there is something odd about the road and its
users, it is forever leading into a town but not getting
there and everyone is going in the same direction.

Some walk fast other leisurely, yet no one stops other
for a meal and something to drink, it appears they
have a common destiny whatever that may be.

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