Tuesday, June 17, 2008

When time is right

When Time Is Right.

The door I knocked on was as black and shiny
as a coffin, behind the door my twin brother
stood his silence like a seashell’s hum; I could
hear the sea of forever rippling onto Nirvana’s
strand. He was born five minutes too late, and
into darkness, this blue boy, nourishment gone,
not even a lungful of air and the pain of sudden
light he was given; a dream of what could have
been. For me, a troubadour, success was natural,
gilded doors opened I was the man of May, my
message, eternal happiness. Youth was filled
with dance and laughter never did I think of you,
there was no time, till I woke up one day and
could not dance anymore an elderly Casanova,
giggles from boudoirs; an entertainer no more.
Open up the door, dear brother, I will not enter
but let in the light so we can see the wonderful
sky and together walk on summer grass.

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