Monday, September 03, 2007

The Tall Tree

It had been raining for weeks the track to my cabin muddy,
one day I sank down in it to the armpit, couldn’t get up too
slippery. Must have fallen asleep when I awoke my arms
were boughs, fingers twigs with leaves and I was covered in
a protective bark; in my crown birds sat and sang. I grew tall
and slender, people came from afar to look at me for once
I was noticed. One day to my alarm I saw they were building
a four lane motorway in the next valley, it was aiming straight
at me, unstoppable thousands of trees were brutally cut down
to give way to a river of concrete. Unbeknown to me,
I had been made into a national treasure so the road had to make a detour
Hundred yards from me it runs, very fast full of metallic junk,
bloody noise if you ask me, but in time the road will fall into
disuse and sink into the soil and I’ll get my peace.

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