Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Fear by the sea

Fear By The Sea.

On the beach alone, there is a dark silence
the sea has inhaled and is ready to blow a
wave my way drowning me; and there is
no seagulls they have disappeared behind
the horizon following a ship, waiting for
the cook to throw overboard left overs.
I sense movement behind a sand dune it is
an assassin ready to shoot me; defenseless,
I should not have forsaken my friends.

Who can I call now to get me out of this?
A dark shudder on the grey skin of the sea,
pallid as the sky, they are waiting for me to
scream in fear and beg forgiveness for my
sin of omission. If I get off the beach alive
I will extol friends’ virtues and compose
a lyrical song for a family I could have had,
but is it not too late? As I flee I hear bullets
shred the air into find strands of wonder.

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