Thursday, February 14, 2008

Heart transplant

Heart Transplant.

He was tired the cardiologist said his heart was so beat
that he needed a new one; he must have a suit case
ready packed and go to hospital as soon as a heart was
available, this wouldn’t be too long since the hospital
was near busy a intersection where two motorways
meet and fatal crashes appeared once or trice a month.

Soon there was one ready, a girl had lost control of her
her car, didn’t survive; so they took out his worn-out
heart placed it on a kidney shaped dish for later study,
but as the surgeon took the heart out of the box, it came
in, it slipped out of his hand and on to the stone floor,
where it bunched about before having a cardiac arrest;

the only heart on hand had belonged to a hundred and
ten year old man, it was kept in alcohol in a jar out of
curiosity, this was a desperate situation, so they gave
him that heart then. The patient wonders why is more
tired than before the surgery; he used to be teetotal now
he has taken to drink and his wife is suing for a divorce

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