Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Beirut 2007-30bc

Beirut 2007…30 BC.
As seen by an old Arab.

I saw in Beirut in 1958 when
Arabic princesses walked in the street
of peace in all their finery,
free of the restricting veil,
but with a train of
burka dressed, chattering servants
behind them

I still remember their dark,
mysterious eyes, mind in those days
all women
were mysterious to me and
the Mediterranean, infant blue, looked
on with benign disinterest

Now in May and far away
from Beirut, I see there is trouble once again,
rocket hits buildings flying concrete
and the sound of machine gun fire.
So what’s new?

Not much, since you have
the impunity to ask,
the Mediterranean has seen it all before
only now it’s eyes are milky blue,
and she’s too old to be whore:
for the trouble maker who returned,
to these shores;

those clever alchemists who
turn words into fools’ gold, and let you
believe that they are chosen by
an abstract god, to bring harmony.

This time they can not be exiled they have
found a strong ally which they eat up from the inside
till they can declared masters of the world
by irrational Christians; and we will suffer their
revenge till their greed and capacity for double dealing
begin to kill one another,
and we shall be free and we will re-remember our
our glorious past.

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